Study the World With Montessori Activities

Study the World With Montessori Activities

Study the World with 80 Montessori-Inspired Activities

Geography and social studies are subjects Montessori homeschool parents often struggle with teaching. Parents often browse the internet for ideas and see beautiful baskets full of items from around the world. While these materials are lovely, they can be cost prohibitive for many families.


"Give the world to the small child." - Maria Montessori


Educating our children to be good global citizens is an important task and calling. It begins with a good understanding of our world.

Homeschool Geography Curriculum Made Simple & Cost-Effective


Educating with Montessori at home can sometimes seem expensive! A great homeschool geography curriculum doesn’t have to cost a lot. Simply head to your local library. Hundreds of beautiful books exist to help. Your children can travel the world and immerse themselves in different cultures from the comfort of their own home! Children easily identify with book characters, making them an easily relatable way to learn.

A sensorial exploration of world cultures in an integral part of the child's journey. A fun, accessible to everyone, way to incorporate this is through international cuisine. Try sampling different herbs and spices from other nations, focusing on scent in addition to flavor. Grab groceries at an international market for a whole new experience. Add on a trip to an authentic ethnic restaurant for a real sample of international flavor! Sensorial learning also includes music, dancing, dress (or fabric samples), and art. Be sure to include contemporary as well as traditional examples.

We want to make these subjects easy and accessible for all homeschool families. Homeschool co-ops and classrooms (Montessori or not) are welcome to adapt and use these materials as well!

That’s why we’ve been working hard to bring you this affordable, high-quality activity pack. At almost 100 pages, this is our largest pack yet. We’ve designed this to last at least a semester. With 80 activities, you could make it last up to a couple of years!

Travel Around the World with 80 Montessori-Inspired Activities

This pack is full of the high-quality content you’ve come to know and love from us. It requires very little prep work on your part. However, be sure to scan the pack before firing up the printer. This will give you an idea of how you’d like to plan, supplies needed, and what you will want to print.

What you'll find:


  • 80 Activities

There are a number of ways you could incorporate this pack into your homeschool. You'll find ideas within the welcome letter of the pack. Several works will be repeated throughout your studies.


- 40 Books

- 10 International Recipes

- 11 Art Projects

- 19 Montessori-Inspired Works


  • World Tour Book List

Hint: If using the library, make sure to put these books on hold ahead of time! You might find a few aren’t readily available because of how popular they are. These would be great read-aloud books. Try placing a few out on shelves as well. A couple of books also include additional homeschool geography and social studies activities.


- Books for preschool through high school
- Some of the best-loved geography and cultural studies books out there


  • Classic and Unique Works

    These are works you’ll find Montessorians presenting around the world! Enjoy them in your Montessori at home education too. We’ve added our own flare and created new works as well.


- Me On the Map, Nomenclature Cards, Pin Punches, and more classic Montessori activities

- Continent Boxes

- International Jewelry

- Languages


  • Exploration Through Art

The arts are an excellent way to get to know another culture. You’ll find art projects from every continent. We’ve included information to make them accessible for a wide range of ages. These are great projects for older students to work on with younger too.
Several of these projects might give way to something bigger! Your student might find a new passion, gift idea, or a small business. You may want to consider a field trip to an art museum. This is another excellent way to view art from around the world.
Only a few inexpensive craft supplies are needed. Most supplies you already have on hand!
  • Related Lessons

This is to help those using ShillerLearning’s materials. We have listed related lessons to enhance your studies.  


Remember, students enjoy coming back to lessons multiple times. Even if a child has already completed a lesson, they may be revisited according to your child's interest or to help master and reinforce skills or concepts.


  • Delicious Dishes

Cultural studies aren’t complete without something to eat! Your family will enjoy savory to sweet from around the world!


- Ten perfectly-sized recipe cards


  • Beautiful Printables

As always, we’re bringing you the most beautiful printables out there. Peek through the printables before printing. You may wish to laminate or print on cardstock for durability. To save on ink, you may want to keep the instructions on your phone or e-reader - no need to print those.


- Recipe Cards
- Maps
- Continent Research Report
- Road Trip Questions
- Grammar Around the Worlds Cards
- Landform and Climate Nomenclature Cards
- Seven Wonders of the World Matching Game  
- Pin Punch
- Currency Exchange Chart
- Pysanky Guide
- Eastern European Embroidery Coloring
- Achievement Badges

Happy Travels!

The ShillerLearning team loved creating this pack. It is our hope you’ll LOVE this homeschool geography curriculum. We’re excited to make it available to you and your family. Have fun exploring the world from the comfort of your home.  

We hope this pack will encourage you to enjoy and learn more about world cultures and geography in your homeschool. Download today and start reading with your child!

We’d love to see what you’ve been working on too! Tag us on Instagram @shillerlearning with your completed projects and shelf set-ups.

See Inside Our Montessori-Based Kits

Math Kit I - PreK to 3rd Grade

Language Arts A - PreK to 1st Grade

Amanda Osenga

Amanda is a former Montessori teacher, now homeschooling her dear son - an only child. When not homeschooling, she also blogs, works as a virtual assistant, and loves creating hand-lettering pieces.


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