Do You Dream of a Homeschool Coach?

Do You Dream of a Homeschool Coach?

The journey of educating one's children is filled with both highs and lows. Some days everything seems to click. The kids are learning. They are joyful. They are motivated and creative. All is right with your homeschool world and it feels like you have found your calling as a homeschooling parent.

Other days the opposite feels true. You are interrupted a thousand times. The kids are fighting and you are pretty sure they will never learn how to multiply, divide, or write legibly. On these days you wonder if the decision to educate your kids at home was a big mistake, and you are doing them a terrible disservice.

Everyone has these mixed days and conflicted emotions. Thankfully, you don’t have to travel this road alone. At ShillerLearning, we are passionate about partnering with parents in educating their kids. Many parents call or email for encouragement or with questions, and we are great at helping you remember why you chose to do this in the first place. ShillerLearning representatives have a combined 71 years of homeschooling experience to share; no matter what you are going through, we have probably been there and felt that!

Here at ShillerLearning, we ascertain that for every parent who calls our easy 888-556-6284 number for help there are at least 23 other parents who could really use the same pep talk and coaching. For this reason, we are launching Your Homeschool Coach. As veteran homeschool parents we have created for you delicous bites of encouragement, words of wisdom, and useful teaching tips, applicable no matter what curriculum or program you have. You are not alone! Let us come alongside you; helping and encouraging you to be the best homeschool parent you can be.

Do You Dream of Having a Homeschool Coach?

For those of you who have gotten off the phone with one of our veteran homeschool parent representatives, remember that feeling of relief and hope? As you hung up the phone you realized everything was going to be ok. You received some practical advice and suggestions which renewed your confidence and helped you get back to what you really do best: loving and educating your rambunctious, creative, curious, active, darling children. Your kids are actually pretty normal, and everyone has doubts sometimes.

Your Homeschool Coach will bring you pep talks and practical words of wisdom. I venture to guess that you will feel more confident and your parenting “gas tank” will stay full longer.

Our mission is to bring joy to your homeschool. We want your child to not only learn, but to love it! And guess what… We have the same goal for you. We want you to feel fulfilled and love your homeschool life.

Subscription to Your Homeschool Coach with encouragement and hope in your email inbox is absolutley FREE!

Your Homeschool Coach will bring you inspirational quotes to remind you what drew you to homeschooling in the first place.

We want to help you keep that spark of excitement going week after week. It’s easy to get caught up in the tasks of each day, and lose focus on the joy of learning. Staying inspired is key to fostering that deep love of learning.

We will also share teaching tips gathered from Maria Montessori’s own work as well as many other worthy sources. I don’t know about you, but I love short tips and reminders that keep me on track or give me a fresh new way of approaching something. Keeping you from getting stuck in a rut, our quick tips will brighten your days, and keep you focused on your bigger goals.

In addition to great tips and inspiration, Your Homeschool Coach will also include fun activities. Have you ever downloaded one of our amazing activity packs? If so, you know they are chock full of great ideas and fun things to do with your kids. Most of these activities are also easily completed with items you have on hand. At no charge to you, we will include similarly easy and fun projects for you and your kids in Your Homeschool Coach. These might be seasonal or holiday specific, math or language arts activities, or they might be a science experiment that we loved and think you will too.

Whether you are just getting started or you’ve been homeschooling for years, Your Homeschool Coach will brighten your days and keep you refreshed and inspired. Sign up today!

Catherine Donnelly

Catherine began her formal education journey in Montessori preschool. Following a short stint in regular school she was homeschooled from 5th grade on. After being her college's first homeschooled graduate, she and her husband decided upon home education for their five children. 27 years, and many adventures later, she is still homeschooling their youngest 3 children. The foundation of Maria Montessori's principles have been a consistent thread throughout their learning journey and Catherine was delighted to discover Shiller Learning and join forces with them in 2020. In her sparse free moments, she can be found reading with her children (or hiding in a corner reading by herself); writing articles for her blog, books or various clients; playing with her children; or dressing up in various time period costumes and traveling to historical sites.

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