Our 12 Favorite Free Activities for Homeschoolers in Need of Late Spring Crafts for Preschoolers

Our 12 Favorite Free Activities for Homeschoolers in Need of Late Spring Crafts for Preschoolers

Our 12 Favorite Free Activities for Homeschoolers in Need of Late Spring Crafts for Preschoolers

For a lot of us our homeschool year is starting to wind down. Many homeschoolers school year-round and are looking for fun, engaging activities to incorporate in late Spring and early summer. Summer fun for kids is important to keep boredom from creeping in. Here are some of our top ideas to inspire a love of learning all year long.

FREE & Cheap Ideas for Spring and Summer Homeschoolers


  • Nature Journal- grab a plain notebook, some high quality colored pencils and head to a beautiful spot to let your children lose to study. You’ll be amazed at how much they enjoy studying the world around them.


  • A Phrenology Wheel- we’ll look more at this in a few weeks. This is a great way to document milestones, moon phases, or the change in the trees and plants in your area.


  • Water- What kid doesn’t love to play in water?!? Set up a few five-gallon buckets and let them make predictions about if items will sink or float.


  • Flower color walks- Grab paint sample strips of each color and head on a walk or to the local botanic gardens. Encourage children to try to match the colors of the flowers to a color on their paint strip.


  • Farmer’s Market- A trip to the farmer’s market is a great place to work on social skills, learn about farming, see new foods, and work on counting money.


  • Garage sale- Speaking of counting money- holding a garage sale or lemonade stand is an incredibly educational experience! From advertising to organizing, payment and everything in between- a yard sale is a great learning opportunity.


  • Free events at the library- The local library usually has all kinds of great opportunities, especially once the local public schools start to let out. Check them out!


  • Summer camp at a local school- This one isn’t free but it’s worth noting. Sometimes the local schools will allow homeschoolers to participate in summer camp or sports.


  • Create a nature sensory basket- Sensory baskets are a classic part of a Montessori education. Give your homeschooler(s) a basket or bag and let them fill it with items from nature they find interesting. Keep it available at home so they can look at it whenever they’d like.

  • Foraging walks- Herb foraging, and urban foraging, are gaining popularity. Local herbal apothecaries often offer free or cheap herb walks where you can learn about local edible plants and how to prepare them.

  • Sidewalk chalk- practice your handwriting and math facts under the sun!

  • Learn about the water cycle- Spring showers are the perfect way to start studying the water cycle with your homeschoolers. Grab that rain gear and head out to learn.

  • Stargaze- Send the kids to bed early and then surprise them with a star watching trip by waking them up and loading up the car to head out. You can even download an app to help you know what you’re viewing.

  • Visit a petting zoo or local farm- Spring is the perfect time to learn about animals and see baby animals and plants in bloom.  


What are some of your favorite activities for Spring? We’d love to see what you’re doing to bring spring into your homeschool routine. Share pictures on Instagram and make sure to tag us with your favorite activities!

See Inside Our Montessori-Based Kits

Math Kit I - PreK to 3rd Grade

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Amanda Osenga

Amanda is a former Montessori teacher, now homeschooling her dear son - an only child. Her family resides in an Airstream parked in Washington State and loves Washington's outdoor opportunities. When not homeschooling, Amanda blogs, loves reading, and creates hand-lettering pieces.

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