Is the mess causing stress?
One of the main reasons parents choose homeschooling is the beauty of being able to customize their child’s education based on their needs, strengths, and struggles. Sometimes keeping up with it all can become overwhelming. ShillerLearning is here to help!
We believe in the value and uniqueness of each child. Our goal is to inspire each student and their parents to reach their greatest potential. Our multisensory curriculum teaches children not only what to learn, but how to learn, instilling a deep love for learning as part of each family’s culture.
To further fulfill this mission, we have created The Daily Homeschool Coach - a daily dose of hope and practical help, drawing on over 70 years of homeschool experience.
And best of all, it is completely FREE.
The Daily Homeschool Coach includes:
▪ | Doses of inspiration as we bring you short quotes and encouragement to keep that spark going for both you and your students. |
▪ | Teaching tips. We all need these on a regular basis - fresh new tips & ideas, helping to keep things fresh and exciting for both you and your kids. |
▪ | Fun activities and even a few brain teasers to keep both you and your kids on your toes. Waking up to the realization that it’s Pi Day or Talk Like A Pirate Day can be a bit of a scramble as you try to come up with some history and a fun activity. The Daily Homeschool Coach emails have you covered. If you have downloaded any of our activity packs you know we will share amazing, fun, achievable ideas to brighten any homeschool. |
No one cares as much as you do for each of your kids, and no one will fight harder to find the best educational path for them. You. Can. Do. This.
We believe in YOU and we are here to support you in your homeschool journey!