

Tuesdays@2 with ShillerLearning's

Antoinette LaGrossa

You may have already met ShillerLearning's Antoinette LaGrossa at a homeschool conference. Veteran homeschool mom of five children, she has been representing ShillerLearning since 2004, traveling the country presenting workshops helping and inspiring homeschool families just like yours. If you have yet to meet Antoinette, you’ll value her expertise and experience.


Join Antoinette for free online information sessions. It's your opportunity for a coffee break on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Eastern (1 Central, 12 Mountain, 11 Pacific).


You’ll pick up tips on multisensory Montessori-based instruction, general homeschooling advice, seasonal craft and activities, plus an occasional guest. All you need is your favorite beverage (coffee, tea, green smoothie?), a device with an internet connection, and 20 to 30 minutes of time. Bring your questions and enjoy homeschool inspiration from the comfort of your own home.


Mark your calendar for Tuesdays@2.


All you need to do is to sign up here. We’ll take care of everything else and send you the link.

Larry Shiller

Larry Shiller is President of ShillerLearning, whose mission is to help every student fulfill their potential. Shiller has degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Harvard Business School and is the author of Software Excellence (Prentice-Hall).

A father of three, Shiller is active in non-profits and his hobbies include working with local startups, music (Shiller is an accomplished violinist who - when not helping children learn math and language arts - performs in the NYC tri-state area), tennis (Shiller's team made it to the USTA national finals in his skill bracket), Quoridor (Shiller is a former USA Champion), backgammon (Shiller is the Voice of Backgammon, doing commentary on backgammon tournaments worldwide), table tennis, and flying (Shiller holds a private pilot's license).

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Sign me up for Tues. @2

Gloria Capetillo

Signed up and can’t get the link. Have checked spam and nothing

Christine Green

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